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Welcome to Ditch the Label, the global youth empowerment charity.


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What We Do

Every year, Ditch the Label carry out extensive research into cyberbullying. We delve into the reasons why people cyberbully, the different types of cyberbullying, and the long terms effects that it has on people’s emotional well-being. Cyberbullying continues to be one of the biggest challenges facing young people online. It’s eye-opening stuff if we do say so ourselves.

Cyberbullying Facts in 2018

  • 35% of people asked 12-20 frequently experience cyberbullying in the UK
  • 37% developed depression as a result of cyberbullying
  • 62% would be unlikely to intervene if they saw somebody cyberbullying somebody else
  • 25% self-harmed because of cyberbullying

  • Only 29% said social media companies do enough to prevent cyberbullying
  • 23% said cyberbullying is “just part of growing up”
  • 35% of people sent a screenshot of someone’s status or photo to laugh at them in a group chat

Taken from the Annual Bullying Survey 2017

If you are being cyberbullied, you can message our digital mentors on Community or find out how to overcome it here.

All our research is taken from our 2017 and 2018 Annual Bullying Surveys – the annual benchmark of bullying in the United Kingdom.

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