My battle with bullying
After primary school ended, I couldn’t wait to grow up, to become a high school student! I was popular in primary school; I was accepted and loved. So when I left, I chose to go to an all-girls school because my friends were going and I didn’t want to be ‘different’.
When we got there, due to the amount of people in the school, we were split up and I wasn’t so popular anymore. I suddenly realised that I wasn’t as accepted there. A girl started picking on me. She’d give me dirty looks; make sly remarks across the classroom. Why? I have no idea. Slowly, she became too scary for my ‘friends’ to stand up to. Funnily enough, the ‘not so cool’ kids became my closest and most valuable friends. I was also confused about my sexuality; I told everyone I was a lesbian. Which obviously was supported 100% (not).
To put it nicely, the school didn’t do too much to help the situation, so I moved to another school halfway through year 8.
This new school seemed to accept me a lot more, but I hadn’t told anybody I could sing. The first school had knocked my confidence; I didn’t want anybody to know in case they picked on me too.
My friends found my YouTube channel just before we broke up for summer, and everyone was really supportive, I finally felt like I belonged somewhere.
I wish I could say that was the end of my bullying story…
When we came back in September a girl, also a singer, became aware of the fact I could sing and she didn’t like that. For the rest of my school years, I was bullied, again. I remember just before we split up for year 10, she and a few other girls cornered me, shouting things at me. ‘Pathetic’ they called me! ‘Who do you think you are?’ I thought to myself, ‘what have I done to deserve this?’ I ran to the head teacher’s office in tears and begged him for help. Little did I know, my mum had already phoned the school asking for them to keep an eye out.
Again, I wish I could say that he helped and that was it…
Year 11 was awful. Just before exam season started, I told one of my friends something another friend had said about her. I thought I’d done the right thing.
Next thing I knew I was in the middle of a room, with everyone shouting at me. The ringleader? My best friend.
My heart dropped. However the worst was yet to come, the other singer, who had luckily left me alone since the end of year 10, walked in. It was the perfect opportunity for her, and she took it with open arms.
The rest of my school year was spent pretty much alone. In fact one week, a teacher, possibly one of the kindest teachers, had his lunch with me everyday because I had nobody else to go to. Two of the teachers at this school were so lovely. I wish everyone had teachers like them because they really helped me through until the very end of year 11!
The whole thing haunted me through summer, in fact, I even self-harmed for the first time. The thoughts I had in my head were so unhealthy. I knew I needed help, I just couldn’t ask.
I started college studying musical theatre. This was TRULY where I belonged and I was so accepted and loved by every single person there. I can happily say, I received the help I needed and I’m finally HAPPY!
If I could jump through the screen and hug you all and tell you everything will be okay, I SO would, because it will be okay. I promise!
The summer after school finished, I could quite easily have ended my life. But I would have missed so much. In the last year, not only have I gained AMAZING friends, but the most supportive fans I could ask for. My career is only just beginning and I’m proud to say I’m here to see it! So to anybody out there who reads this to find out how to get through bullying: Be strong, be yourself and be beautiful. Because with that, you can take on the world! Whatever they say to you doesn’t reflect on how truly fabulous you are.
I love you,
Amy Danielle
Follow me on Twitter at: @Amyy_Daniellee.
Don’t forget that there is plenty of advice and support available, if you are being bullied. Check out the Ditch the Label support section.