Struggling with the lockdown? Don't worry, we've got you covered.
Here's everything you need to know about the coronavirus lockdown.
We know that things are difficult and uncertain at the moment and we hear you. Welcome to the Coronavirus support hub - lovingly built by Ditch the Label, in partnership with Tumblr. We've pulled together our top tips and advice on everything from sleep and mental health to relationships and online abuse.
Since 2019, Ditch the Label and Tumblr have proudly partnered on initiatives designed specifically to help young people aged 12-25. In 2019, we launched an entire suite of free Digital Literacy resources for educators. In light of the Coronavirus lockdown, we collectively felt that we each had a role to play in supporting people through this challenging and uncertain time.
get it off your chest
We know that things are tough right now, but please know that you aren't alone and we've got your back. Join our community now to get expert advice on the issues bothering you the most.
Topics include: mental health, body image, bullying, coming out, relationships, fake news and everything in between.