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Sometimes, you just can’t get them off your mind. No matter how hard you try, they stay stuck in your head like an Ariana Grande song. Dealing with a break-up can be really tough and often we find ourselves still stuck on someone long after the sympathy has dried up from everyone around us. We know that it isn’t always that easy, and getting over someone takes a lot of work. That’s why we have put together a list of ideas for you to get your mind on you and off the ex. #ThankUNext.

1) Learn a new skill

Easier said than done right? But there are hundreds of videos out there that are just waiting for you to learn something you have always dreamt of knowing, so get on YouTube and start exploring. Some examples to get you inspired include learning to knit or sew, taking up a new language, how to cook or bake, photography, videography, drawing, a new instrument, even learning to DJ. The internet is a big place full of knowledge – so use it!

2) Reconnect with friends

Your friends are the cure-all method to getting back to your usual self. Why not suggest a group day trip, a short break, or even just a meal out? Even if you feel like you might have grown distant from them when you were in a relationship, true friends understand this can happen and will want to help if you ask them.

3) Deal with your emotions

So we know we have said this is how to take your mind off your ex, but sometimes you just need to deal with your emotions in order to do this. Take a moment to really think about why the relationship ended and about what you have learned from it. It may not be taking your mind off them right this moment, but it will in the long run. Need some more help on this? Take a look at this.

4) Get active

We know that sometimes you really don’t want to go for a jog or a walk when Netflix keeps playing the next episode straight away. But getting out of your comfort zone and pushing yourself to get active is a great way to take your mind off the ex, and counting reps in the gym or steps on your FitBit is a great way to fill up your brain space.

If these aren’t your thing, why not try a team sport? Being part of a team is a sure fire way to build your confidence and, combined with the happiness inducing effects of regular exercise, you will be your best strong single self in no time. If your talents lie with football, rugby, cricket or hockey, you can see if there is a team in your area looking for players here.

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5) Start a new project

Now is the time to get on your way to becoming the next Zoella or Shane Dawson, as working on a project is a great way to think about something else. Yeah sure, a big project can take time, but putting in the hours to plan and execute it to a high standard will take focus – something that will leave no room for keeping your ex on the brain. You never know, YouTube fame could be only a click away!

6) Do some good

Getting a bit of perspective might be a really good thing for you right now, and volunteering in your free time for a cause that matters to you definitely get you walking through life feeling like an absolute boss whilst filling up time otherwise spent thinking about the ex.

7) Start fresh

It might seem like a cliche but a good spring clean will have you feeling like a new person. Clear out any of their stuff you have been holding on to (and give it back to them of course). Get the rest of your family involved if you feel like you don’t want to do it solo, or sell some old things online to make cash as well as space. You will feel better for having less in your life, and all the while, you haven’t given them a second thought. So make like Marie Kondo, and get you some joy from cleaning.

marie, kondo, tidying

If you need some advice on dealing with life, love, relationships, or about anything that is bothering you at all, reach out to us here.

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