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The sun is shining, the birds are singing, the sea is for swimming and we are here for it. The only thing is, summer can be a bit of a rollercoaster ride for those of us who are dealing with acne. The sun can make it better, the sun can make it worse (same for basically every supposed ‘remedy’ out there right?!) That’s why we have put together this list of 9 hilarious summer struggles that everyone with acne knows to be true. 

1) The sun can be your friend

When summer first gets going, you are loving it. The initial effects of the sun can help to reduce the appearance of acne as you tan, so basically you are living your best life. 


2) And then it turns on you 

The friendly sun that started off by making you feel like a million dollars can quickly turn into a giant ball of fire you really resent. You know that soon, the heat will make you sweat and weather your skin, and then summer can pretty much just go die in a hole. 


3) Sun cream is a legit nightmare 

Greasy, slippery, impossible to rub in and completely necessary. Not using it is not an option, but when you leave it at home by accident and the only thing on offer is a super thick and greasy off-brand factor 50, it is not exactly your best friend in the world. 


4) Flare ups are sure to happen before that huge event 

Whether it’s a family wedding, your big holiday this year or just that BBQ round your mates that you’ve been waiting for forever, it always seems to be that the acne that you have done so well at taming so far this summer comes back with a fiery vengeance. 


5) Dream holidays can become a nightmare pretty quickly 

When you’ve spent months dreaming of sun and sand, is there really anything worse than getting on holiday and your skin deciding it didn’t want to be there? Being on the beach can mean abrasive sand friggin’ EVERYWHERE which, with a flare up, means the pain of a thousand needles in your body. Add to that the inevitable sun burn you get, and your dream holiday can quickly turn into two weeks sat inside the hotel room playing scrabble with your mum. 



Dry skin is an occupational hazard for anyone anywhere in the summer, but combine that with acne and probably a bit of sea water, chlorine and rising temperatures and you are bound to run into trouble. 

7) You have to buy a whole new bathroom cabinet

Each new season rolls around and suddenly you have to spend a small fortune on all the new lotions and potions you need to make it through the other side. Lighter moisturisers, heavy night creams, retinols and washes – it’s some serious dollar to be spending every few months. 


8) Summer ads can be a bit of a bummer  

Smooth skin and perfect tans legit everywhere, in every ad, on social media and every single online shop. Even if we don’t like to admit it, it can make you feel pretty bad.  The important thing to remember is that no one looks like those bodies or has skin like that, half the time not even the people in the adverts.

9) But it doesn’t matter, because you are beautiful no matter what

No matter if you have acne, scars, spots, freckles or anything else, you are still beautiful. Even though all these things might be true if you are struggling with acne this summer, that does not mean that you should stop yourself from doing what you love, seeing mates, or making new memories with the people you love. You are not your acne, never let that shit stop you. 


If you are struggling with confidence, you can reach out to the Ditch the Label Community here, and we will listen to you.

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