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We interviewed America’s youngest drag superstar RainbowGore Cake

DtL: Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
RainbowGore Cake: Hi! My name is RainBowGore Cake and I am America’s youngest drag superstar!

DtL: How did you first find out about Drag? And what was it that made you want to get into it?
RainbowGore Cake: I first found out about drag through my lovely mother Kook Teflon! The reason I got into it, is because I grew up with some amazing queens like Jackie Hell, Vinsantos, BenDeLaCreme, Can Can Cabaret, Freckles Riverside and Peaches Christ. I also grew up watching RuPaul’s Drag Race – that was very inspiring.

“I feel that I’m representing young, gay, queer, weird, strange kids that are not out yet”


DtL: How does it feel to be America’s youngest drag superstar?
RainbowGore Cake: It feels great! I feel like I’m representing young, gay, queer, weird, strange kids that are not out yet – I mean I started doing drag at eight years old! I think that – especially in these times when this man is president – it is very scary to come out.

DtL:What/who inspires your act?
RainbowGore Cake: Definitely Laura Palmer (I LOVE TWIN PEAKS!) I would also say my three queens Jackie Hell, Vinsantos, and of course Peaches Christ! I would also say David Lynch, Wes Craven, and Divine (OF COURSE!)

“I started doing drag at eight years old”


DtL: What do people say when they find out you do drag? How did your friends and family respond?
RainbowGore Cake: This is actually a really funny story! So I don’t know if you know the show Hannah Montana, but in the show she lives a double life as a normal school girl then she is secretly a pop star. So I was in Language Arts, and people were Googling each other and they searched my name, and all my drag stuff came up. One of my friends screamed “SAILORHANK IS AMERICA’S YOUNGEST DRAG SUPERSTAR!!!” They were really impressed and so excited because they thought I was a celebrity and they kept asking me “why didn’t you tell us?” So I got a good response about the whole thing, they even wear my shirts at school!

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DtL: Have you ever experienced bullying? If so can you tell us what happened and how you dealt with it?
RainbowGore Cake: Some people at school will say “Oh, you act really gay” or  “Oh you’re fat” but I just respond with “I know, nothing new!” – I just brush it off! However, in elementary school I was the opposite. I was bullied a lot for basically everything I did – for example people would say “Why do you only hang out with girls?”, “Why do you love Hello Kitty?”, “Why do you like the colour pink?”, “Why do always have a Barbie with you?” – I did not brush that off! Sometimes I would cry, but now it’s all better.

“Some people at school will say ‘Oh, you act really gay’ or  ‘Oh you’re fat’ but I just respond with ‘I know, nothing new!’ – I just brush it off!”


DtL: What advice would you give to those who are currently experiencing bullying?
RainbowGore Cake: Love yourself no matter what. People can be mean – don’t take things personally. Just remember that you are fierce, you are a star and you are amazing!

DtL: What has been your proudest moment so far?
RainbowGore Cake: My proudest moment so far is getting asked to perform at Austin International Drag Festival. That was amazing! I got flown out there and performed on a big stage with a bunch of people! I’m also proud of my movie premiere that I made as my boy-self (SailorHank Payne). That was really cool (and a lot of work). Also this short film my neighbour made about my courage:

DtL: What does the future hold for RainbowGore Cake?
RainbowGore Cake: I am hoping more touring and more films. I also might be moving to New Orleans with my Mom, and with one of my drag aunties Jackie Hell so look out for us there! I am hoping for projects with Jackie Hell and my drag mother Vinsantos.

DtL: Is there anything you would like to add?
RainbowGore Cake: The last thing I want to say is be yourself! Don’t let anyone put you down for who you are. Also break the rules! Follow me on Instagram too! Jk but thank you for having me!

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