No words seem capable of describing the emotion felt at hearing about the barbaric, extreme violence committed upon innocent LGBTQI people in Orlando this weekend just gone. It is proof of the extent to which anti-LGBTQI violence is very much a reality that still surrounds us, and it is a reminder that despite progress achieved over the past decades, we still live in a society marred by armed violence and engrained phobias. In 2016, it seems implausible that this senseless, hate-fuelled behaviour has not yet been unlearned by all. We should all be entitled to the basic right to live freely, and express our true selves without fearing the consequences. Loving someone is not, and never will be, an offence.
The team at Ditch the Label are filled with love and sympathy for everyone impacted by this attack. We are absolutely heartbroken for those that have been brutally murdered, and our thoughts are with their families. We stand in solidarity with the communities that have been affected by this atrocity, and we as a charity promise to do all we can, to help them grow stronger in the face of such adversity. It is time to stand prouder, and shout louder than ever before. We are determined to use our international expansion as an opportunity to do this. Let’s stand together once and for all, regardless of our differences; our race, our sexuality, our gender, our religion, and unite for what is right! Enough is enough, we, as a global community have to mobilise against the stigmatisation of LGBT+ bodies and put an end to such vile discrimination.
It is extremely important to remember that those killed in Orlando were NOT killed because of their sexuality. They were killed because a deranged murderer took issue with that. There is a difference.
We will not be silenced by violence.
We will unite and we will rise.